
Food safety should be understood as the absence of danger to human health when it is consumed. Duck meat has a high nutritional and biological value, however, when eating poor-quality duck meat, there is a risk of food poisoning and toxic infection. In this regard, there are acute problems associated with increasing responsibility for the effectiveness and objectivity of quality control of duck meat, which guarantees its safety for the health of the consumer. In this research work, duck carcasses with byproducts were tested in terms of quality and safety. All studies were carried out in accordance with GOST 31990-2012 “Duck meat (carcasses and parts thereof). General technical conditions . During the research, the following indicators were determined: the degree of exsanguination, the presence of hypostases, fatness and the presence of pathological changes in organs and tissues; the presence of post-mortem changes in the meat, the appearance and color of the carcass surface, the color of adipose tissue, the condition of the serous membranes, the condition of the muscles in the cut, the consistency, the smell of the carcass, the transparency and aroma of the broth; the amount of volatile fatty acids, primary protein breakdown products, ammonia and ammonium salts, acid and peroxide value of fat, peroxidase in meat, melting point of fat, pH of meat, content of proteins, fats and moisture in meat by conventional methods regulated by current regulatory documents. Compliance with the algorithm and an integrated approach in the implementation of veterinary and sanitary control when handling duck meat allows us to provide the consumer with safe products. The studied samples of duck meat meet the requirements of the normative and technical documentation, in terms of organoleptic, physicochemical and microscopic indicators and are recognized as benign.

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