
The article attempts an integrated analysis of the creativity of the “Logos” group activities of the emigration period on the background of the literary process of the first half of the twentieth century. The aesthetic, religious and national principles that underlie the multifaceted activity of the “Logos” are considered. The “Logos” group should be described by six writers: Hryhor Luzhnytsky, Olexandr-Mykola Moh, Stepan Semchuk, Petro Sosenko (junior), Vasyl Melnyk and Roman Skazynsky. Hryhor Luzhnytsky is the author of more than 500 artistic, scientific, popular scientific works, numerous journalistic works, reviews, essays. After leaving for the United States in 1949, the writer continues his activity and takes on adventure and sensational and spyware. Vasyl Melnyk (Limnychenko) is a “writer-wanderer” and a “political emigrant”. Beyond the borders of his native land continues to write poetry (“Ode to the book”, “Ballad about the Truth”, “Ballad about White Letters”, “Ballad about the Sun in the Bridge” and others). A certain generalization of the writer’s life experiences was his journalistic works “Ukrainian Crusaders”, “Religion and Life”. A peculiar “bridge” between poetry and journalism became essays. Stepan Semchuk − a poet, a journalist, a publicist. Becoming a priest, Stepan Semchuk leaves for Canada, but he does not cease to write there. Out of his native land he published poetic collections. Stepan Semchuk worked as an active publicist, author of the historical and literary articles. Association of catholic writers “Logos” was occupied noticeable place in literary life of Western Ukraine of intermilitary period of the 20th century. “Logos” writers expressly declared that they were the creators of Catholic literature, and tried to outline the concept of “Catholic worldview” and “Catholic literature”. Ideological principles of “Logos” were a christian moral; the main tasks were popularization of religious subject and christian ethics. “Logos” writers literary works are skilful collage of biblical images, motifs, allusions, reminiscences, christian ceremonies, symbols.

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