
In the modern world it is difficult to underestimate the role of oil in the economy of each country. It is a raw material for chemical processing, an energy carrier with a long history of production and transportation. The prevailing volume is delivered overland by pipeline transportation due to high transportation speed, flow rate and the possibility of regulating pumping stops. However, the main difficulty in pipeline operation is the selection of the optimal pumping mode. Due to terrain peculiarities, as well as variable oil flow rates along the length of the pipeline route, gravity pumping sections occur. Operation of the oil pipeline with these sections is complicated due to the change of pumping from single-phase to two-phase and the influence of vapor-air mixture on oil pumping indicators. In this paper the main indicators of gravity mode of oil pumping are considered, numerical modeling methods are applied to derive a new formula that considers the influence of gas mixture on the transported oil flow; a 3D model of the stand is proposed, on which this mathematical model will be verified, as well as the invented instruments (devices) for determining the coefficient of oil pipeline filling will be tested.

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