
We consider certain issues of pledge of intellectual property, analyze the definitions of the concepts “pledge”, “intellectual property”, “objects of intellectual rights”, etc. We comprehend the issues of civil law regulation of pledge relations, investigate the mechanisms of state support for the intel-lectual property pledge, and identify a number of factors that determine the positive effect of innovative enterprises development, receiving loans secured by intellectual property. We describe the risk factors of pledged collateral for loans, we note the criteria according to which the borrower has the right to conclude an agreement on the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to small and medium-sized businesses to expense reimbursement associated with obtaining loans secured by intellectual property rights. We pay attention to the issue of correlation of derivative rights with an independent object of pledge. We examine the insurance and market issues related to the risk factors of intellectual property pledge. We study the practice of granting loans secured by intellectual property, and also analyze the statistical indicators of such practice in individual countries of Europe and Asia.

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