
The concept of is primarily related to its economic status. Private theater retains the model of independent theatrical business that has characterized the life of French theater - even before the significant step in the development of state support for the theatrical arts by the French authorities in the second half of the twentieth century. Private theater is distinguished by the specificities of financing: it is created by private money, it does not receive direct assistance from the state or state authority and must, with its efforts, balance its costs and revenues at the expense of the fees from the sale of its performances. Therefore, the search for funding for organizational and creative activities is one of the priority areas. Due to the activities of professionals, private theater is a specific link in the organization of theater inFrance. While private theaters are the focus of creative experimentation, they remain a major driving force in the promotion and dissemination of original works and the cultivation of new talents and creative personalities. Private theaters have partnered with the Association of Private Theaters, which provides for theaters-members of the association the assistance in development of repertoire, new productions, technical equipment of theaters, touring activities, and most importantly - provide immediate assistance to those theaters in which they have financial problems, protecting them from bankruptcy. Currently, more than fifty theaters inParisand the region are members of the Association for the Support of Private Theaters. Having such support from the Association makes it possible to private theaters to diversify their repertoire, to experiment, to take risks, to put on performances by young authors. When we are considering the specificity of the activities of private theaters, we cannot ignore the activities of the National Union of Private Theaters, which greatly influenced the creation of the Association for the Support of Private Theaters. The National Union of Private Theater brings unites private theaters, whose activities are associated with the greatest achievements of private theater in the creation and rental of performances. The National Union of Private Theater protects the professional and moral (non-property) rights of its members and offers them space for fraternal and friendly communication. TheUnionis also a tool for bringing ideas and views of private theaters into the economic and social environment in which they exist and building strategies for private theater development based on reform and innovative methods. The National Union of Private Theater connects theater professionals who are passionate about their work, aiming to promote new talented playwrights, directors, actors and artists who have already established themselves in the work.

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