
The purpose of the study is to operationalize the concept of “quality of higher educationˮ in sociological discourse. The methodological basis of the research is represented by modern sociological theories, within the framework of which the understanding of the problems of higher education development is carried out.   Research results. The social and scientific relevance of the study of the stated problem is determined, the signs of the quality of higher education are identified, its resources (social, material, technical and informational) are established, the separation from related concepts is carried out, and finally an instrumental definition that can be used in scientific polemics in the new emerging discourse initiated by the on-lineization of the social institute of higher school is given. It is concluded that in real educational practices, access to an understanding of the higher education quality is possible only through the coordination of the views of the main social actors of higher education institution.    Prospects of the study are in further understanding and empirical verification of the quality problems of modern higher education.

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