
Described are some of the key parameters of civil-patriotic identity of student youth. The empirical basis of the study was data of questionnaire survey of students, studying at higher educational institutions of Tyumen on a full-time basis. The survey was conducted by questionnaire method (n = 594), the sample was formed through spontaneous selection of respondents. Three groups of young people were identified, depending on their patriotic self-identification, i.e. “patriots”, “non-patriots” and “vacillating”. Patriotic aspect of self-identification correlates with civic and other forms of social identity, as well as some elements of civic subjectivity. Comparative analysis of selected groups was carried out, according to different indicators of civic orientations and identifications, in particular, subjective significance of citizenship, need to contribute to well-being of the country, degree of interest in history of Russia, emotional connection with symbols of the country, active civic attitudes. The analysis of empirical data also made it possible to identify statistical relationship between self-identification as patriots and communities of different sizes. The conclusion is made about intersection of patriotic and civil identity in terms of civil obligations, responsibility, as well as implementation of symbolic civil actions. In contrast, attitudes associated with critical citizenship are weakly associated with identification of modern students as patriots.

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