
Exhaust ventilation systems in industrial enterprises and facilities with the use of harmful substances largely determine the air exchange in the workplace to ensure normalized sanitary and hygienic conditions and operating costs. Local exhaust ventilation of explosive harmful substances is of particular importance for effective air exchange in such rooms, since their localization, suction and transportation are subject to increased requirements. The paper presents the results of analytical and experimental studies of the operation mode of a complex local exhaust device with a gas ejector for extraction explosive harmful chemicals from shelters, ensuring their effective localization, purification and recirculation of air. The boundary conditions and assumptions for calculating the characteristics of the processes of gas flow ejection, purification of technological emissions and recirculation of the purified gas flow, determined on the basis of the analysis of previously performed studies and experimental work, are given. The conditions of rational ratios device settings of extraction of emissions sources of substances that parameters of the ejector and cleaning device emission, which is achieved economic and environmental efficiency of the installation and excludes the volatile situation on the threat of chemical enterprises and objects.

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