
The purpose of this study was to analyze the types of sports and the characteristics of the sports costume prevalent in ancient Egypt as part of the study of the Egyptian costumes and understanding the sports culture of the Middle East nation. The method of this study is a literature study, which investigated ancient tomb murals, paintings, and schematics in literature as well as literature related to Egypt’s ancient sports history, and analyzed the sports costume characteristics of Egypt by referring to the ancient tomb murals and materials sourced through Internet searches. Based on prior research and literature, ancient Egyptian sports were classified as royal sports and general public sports, and the sports costume was analyzed by classifying it into the type of clothing, fabrics, colors, headdress, ornaments, and shoes. The results of this study were as follow; First, the sports of ancient Egyptians were classified into the sports of the royal family and the sports of the general public, depending on the subject of practice. The sports of the royal family were a display of royal authority and physical superiority, and the sports usually engaged in were running, archery, chariot racing, and hunting wild animals, fish, and birds. The sports of the general public were running, high jumping, wrestling, stick fighting, boxing, swimming, and acrobatics. Second, the king wore a loincloth for running, a kilt and shendot for archery and chariot racing, and a gala skirt and kalasiris for hunting. Most fabrics were comprised of white linen. The king wore a symbolic white crown and a khepresh with uraeus, a kind of helmet on his head. He wore a wig while hunting. He had a fascium around his neck, a bracelet on his arm, and his shoes were mostly barefoot. Third, in the sport of the general public, they were nude during jumping and swimming, wore a knee-length kilt for wrestling and stick fighting, and an open-ended loincloth for acrobatics. White linen was used as a fabric. This study is meaningful in that it analyzes the sports costume, a new area of research relative to the ancient Egyptian costume.

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