
Research objective. The aim of the work is to reveal the historical and cultural identification of the Carpathian border. The main principle is a comprehensive approach to solving tasks. The methodology of the research is based on the methodological principles of the historical approach to the analysis of historical phenomena, as well as the use of theoretical, cultural, art approaches, which allowed to reveal the relationship between ethnic groups, regions and countries. The scientific novelty of the study is an attempt to comprehensively cover the identification of the Carpathian border in the historical and cultural aspect. Conclusions. The general characteristic of the history of the settlement of Ruthenians, Lemkos, Verkhovynkos, Boykоs, and Dolynians from the period of Kievan Rus to the present is revealed. It is noted that the Carpathian region is a unique natural and cultural area, which by the specifics of relief, natural conditions and climate has carved a unique layer of culture of the inhabitants of the mountains. One of the most striking manifestations of the Carpathian region is the traditional forms of settlement and related architectural monuments, the study of which can serve as an important source of research on ethnic history and cultural and historical interethnic relations; historical evidence of the high material and spiritual culture of our ancestors; a valuable arsenal of knowledge for the further development of culture and, in particular, an excellent source of inspiration for contemporary artists in creating a new environment; strong evidence of the way of life in previous historical periods; an important factor in the process of educating the younger generation in the field of emotions and the formation of aesthetic thoughts, etc. It is proved that the historical events of different epochs, the influence of the policy of merging peoples and cultures have certainly caused great damage to Ukrainian traditional culture. Today the local features of the regions are being transformed, which leads to the loss of uniqueness and originality of cultural phenomena of ethnographic groups of Ukrainians both in the Carpathian region and far beyond.

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