
Actuality of the problem. Social and cultural reality in our country is characterized by gradual and dynamical development of national spirituality, based on humanism and democracy. Choral amateur activity takes special place among other kinds of amateur art as a part of cultural and leisure activity because of its tight connection with classical traditions of national musical culture. Participation in amateur choral activity rebounds artistic and creative development of the personality, where each person has an opportunity of self-realization of own skills and talents in her/his free-time. In this context, highlighting of the features of choral amateurism is extremely actual, according to its poly-aspect, artistic and creative practice, which is oriented on mastering of cultural values by its participants and recognition and rooting this values in individual cultural life. The purpose of the topic is highlighting of several questions, connected with justification of sense of choral activity as a social and cultural phenomenon, description of its features, analysis of its principles and functions and determination of pedagogical potential of its organization. Objective of the topic is to make an analysis of scientific resources of this problem. Methods . According to determined in the objective, general scientific theoretical methods (analysis of art, pedagogical and psychological literature about the problem) are used. Results. Therefore, grounding on understanding of choral activity as a multifaceted social and cultural phenomenon (performs social, cognitive, communicative and recreational functions), this term acquires specific sense: it covers complex of activities, which is carried out in amateur collectives. Acknowledged, that this poly-aspect artistic and creative activity requires not only «technological» concordance, but also provides formation of favorable psychological climate in collective and interpersonal communication on all levels. In this context it is clear, that social and cultural direction of choral activity is based on preservation, creation and manifestation of spiritual values, that accumulated in choral art with simultaneous enrichment axiological sphere of self-awareness of each participant. Prospects. Determination of mentioned in the investigation questions requires further scientific research in the aspect of learning of the content of complex structure of organization of choral activity and analysis of domestic and foreign practices of best modern amateur choral collectives.

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