
The article is devoted to the study of the problem of developing emotional stability, as an important personal and professional attribute of future teachers. The purpose of the article is a theoretical and empirical study of the psychological features of the emotional stability of the personality of future teachers - graduates of the Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavel Tychyna. An analysis of approaches to defining the concepts of "emotional stability", "emotional intelligence", and their relationship was carried out. The essence of modern approaches to determining the essence of emotional stability is revealed and its components are analyzed. The essence of emotional stability is revealed as a complex dynamic integrative personal property that ensures high productivity and efficiency of activity and behavior in difficult emotionally stressful conditions and preservation of mental health. The essence and features of emotional intelligence as a unity of intellectual and emotional-volitional features and properties of the personality are defined. The results of an empirical study of emotional stability and emotional intelligence of students of higher education while studying at a higher education institution are presented, and a comparison of the development of emotional states and abilities of students of the 1st and 4th courses is made. It was established that the components of emotional stability (extraversion - introversion; attachment - detachment; self-control - impulsivity; emotional instability - emotional stability; expressiveness - practicality) are at a higher level among students of the 4th year, compared to students of the 1st year. levels of development. Diagnostics of self-assessment of mental states (anxiety, frustration, aggression, rigidity) proved that their level of states in the 4th year students is lower than in the 1st year students. It was determined that the development of the constituent components of emotional stability and emotional intelligence is important for maintaining the mental health of the teacher.

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