
This paper focuses on the idol motif used in Korean web fiction and examines the desires and implications reflected in the idol motif among the public. To achieve this, Chapter 2 analyzes idol characters as protagonists. These idol characters function as a group protagonists, and the events they experience revolve around becoming idols and competing for abilities to survive. Ultimately, this competition reveals the achievement of capital. Chapter 3 centers its analysis on fandom characters. Fandom characters exist as an anonymous collective and form a collective identity through fandom names. Within web fiction, they appear in the form of collective discourses known as “fan reactions” and function as companions in the journey to success for idols. Chapter 4, building upon the preceding analyses, examines the meaning assigned to idols as idealized heroes and symbols in Korean society. The journey of idol characters, the relationships formed with fandom characters within those events, and the deus ex machina-like presences, all contribute to presenting the romantic desires and attitudes of the public attributed to idols.

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