
The potato yield, planned on the basis of calculated methods of fertilizer application, in practice can fluctuate over a wide range. Many factors influence the increase in the removal of nutrients and potato yields. One of the most important factors for potatoes, as a vegetatively propagated culture, is the quality of the seed material. The purpose of the research was to substantiate the algorithm for obtaining high potato yields on the basis of determining the influence on the productivity of quality factors of seed material, the background of fertilizers, irrigation, the use of chemical etchant and biologically active preparations. Experiments of Kortni and Nevskiy varieties were conducted in Laishevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. It was revealed that in gray forest soils under experimental conditions, the optimal background of fertilizers with the main application on the bog was N120P140K140, on irrigation - N100P120K120. Higher doses of fertilizers on irrigation and on the bog caused lower yields. The use of the Maksim chemical preservative on the bog in the arid conditions of the year increased productivity by 6.0 ... 12.0%, on irrigation - reduced by 18.0 ... 24.6%. Biologically active preparations increased productivity in moist soil by 14.0 ... 17.0%. The consistent increase in the yield of a healthy seed of Kortni variety occurred under the influence of factors: the quality of seed material - from 10 to 15.5 tons per hectare - by 55%, the background of fertilizers N100P120K120- from 15.5 to 26.3 tons per hectare - by 70% irrigation - from 26.3 to 54.0 tons per hectare - by 105.3%, treatment with zircon - from 54.0 to 61.5 tons per hectare - by 14%. Against the backdrop nutrition of N100P120K120, calculated to yield of 20 tons per hectare, with additional factors, a yield of 61.5 tons per hectare (+ 208%) was obtained. In the degenerate seed material of Nevskiy variety, the increase in productivity with the progressive use of factors occurred to a much lesser extent: from the quality of the seed material - from 10.0 to 12.0 tons per hectare - by 20%, the fertilizer background N100P120K120 - from 12 to 17.5 tons per hectare - by 46%, irrigation - from 17.5 to 23 tons per hectare by 31.4%. Against the nutrition backdrop of N100P120K120, calculated to yield of 20 tons per hectare, Nevskiy yielded 23 tons per hectare (+ 15%). The importance of seed quality is a key in obtaining high yields of potatoes. In healthy seed potatoes, with additional factors - irrigation, fertilizers, BAP - much higher yields are created, compared to the addition of the degenerate seed material under the same conditions. On the basis of the obtained results, the following algorithm for applying the factors for obtaining high potato productivity is recommended: healthy seeds + irrigation + fertilizers + biologics.

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