
Национальный фольклор является одним из важнейших оснований культуры, в том числе гендерной, от которой в значительной степени зависит будущее общества, народа. Известно, что в ингушском фольклоре особое место отведено женщине. В то же время ее традиционный образ представляется сегодня недостаточно изученным. И цель настоящей статьи состоит в том, чтобы заполнить эту лакуну. Обратившись к образцам национального фольклора и работам исследователей, затрагивавших эту тему ранее, автор приходит к выводу, что культ женщины-матери сыграл огромную роль в зарождении ингушской гинекократии. Однако у ингушей этот феномен получил особенные формы, отличные, например, от гинекократии древней Спарты, сарматской или скифской гинекократии. Ингушская традиционная гинекократия основана на отведении женщине особой роли в семье и обществе.A woman in the Ingush epic is represented, above all, by a wise rational person with a strong spirit who loves her people endlessly. She is sincerely devoted to family and society. The world of natural phenomena in the mythical views of the ancient Ingush was endowed with images of powerful mothers of natural phenomena and mothers of painful diseases. Each phenomenon had its own origin, had its own woman mother. The heroine of Ingush legends and tales often acts as an avenger for insults and blood of relatives and family members. Ingush folklore is one of the significant reasons for the spiritual content of culture, including a womans culture, on which the future of humankind depends. The names of mythological deities, patrons, both female and male, are carefully preserved in the Ingush epic. It is noteworthy that their etymology is quite transparent for an expert in the Ingush language. Apparently, the mythological motifs of the ancient peoples of the Earth are often intertwined. For example, Astar (land) is similar to Greek Gaia and Roman Juno. The noble Tusholi is similar to the Roman Diana. In the Ingush pantheon, Tusholi is the only patroness of fertility and of people in front of Dyala (the supreme gog). Public education, based primarily on Ingush folklore and spiritual values, has always been inherent in women. Having learned songs and stories about noble deeds and brave heroes in childhood, having heard them from their grandmothers and mothers, it was women who passed them on to their children and grandchildren. A remarkable knowledge of the native language and folklore, and then the projection of this knowledge contributed to the true wisdom of a woman. The resourcefulness of a woman who saves her fellow tribesmen from enemies is described in the legend Milk Kinship. The Ingush in ancient times were a peoples army the entire population was warriors. The Ingush woman was the second echelon of the standing army. What can make a person free Their high culture, nourishing the spirit of the individual, determines the choice of means in various situations of the complex life cycle. We can formulate the following definition from a brief review of Ingush folklore. National folklore is one of the important foundations of the spiritual content of culture, including gender culture, on which the future of society and people depends. A woman is a reliable companion of her husband, an excellent mother of children, an excellent housewife and, if necessary, a loyal defender of her home and country. Traditionally, a woman in an Ingush family is a fullfledged hostess and manager of funds. At any Ingush holiday, be it a wedding or a holiday, the best room is reserved for women, delicious dishes are served for women.

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