
The article is devoted to the definition of the essence and content of social capital and the management of its development. Based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature, it is revealed that in the absolute majority of them, social capital is interpreted as a socio-psychological phenomenon. Social capital is considered as an intangible part of the system of resources, values and relationships, which creates opportunities, conditions for their owner, the realization of certain goals of social activity to obtain socially significant results in various spheres of social life. It is argued that it is not an attribute of just an individual, as is found in the vast majority of publications. It is based on the capital of society as a whole, various social communities, social groups and strata of the population, administrative and state systems, collectives, etc. Such a methodological approach makes it possible to determine the structure of the patterns of development of the main stages of the implementation of social capital, and the development of technology and a mechanism for managing this phenomenon. The structure of social capital includes labor, scientific and educational, professional and qualification, informational, innovative, organizational and managerial, socio-demographic, political and legal elements. It is noted that the social capital of various subjects has a number of its own characteristics. This is illustrated by the example of the social capital of the region. The current situation in the country has led to the actualization of the needs for improving the technology of managing the development and implementation of social capital of public systems. Since the progress of modern society depends on the effectiveness of the development and implementation of social capital, it is in this area that there are huge opportunities for innovation. Technologies for the development and realization of capital have their own characteristics that distinguish it not only from similar processes used in development management, for example, physical capital, they are also determined by the specifics of each structural element that must be taken into account. All the methods and means that make up the mechanism that contributes to the activation of the process of realization of social capital, which must necessarily be provided for in the strategic program of socioeconomic development not only of the country, but also of all social objects of society. The use and improvement of existing technology can become an important factor in the formation of the effectiveness of social relations, the intensification of the sustainability of the pace of socio-economic development of the country and the achievement of a high level of quality of life of the population. The idea is substantiated that technologies that contribute to the activation of the process of realization of social capital must necessarily be provided for in the strategic program of socio-economic development not only of the country, but also of all social subjects of society.

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