
The article outlines the legal reasons for the termination of the USSR as a single state, which were numer-ous violations of the Constitution of the USSR, Laws of the USSR, and changes in legislation. The reasons that led to the end of the USSR were objective and subjective factors: civilizational and value-based – the rejection of the state-legal values of socialism, the inaction of the President of the USSR in the matter of protecting the Constitution and laws of the USSR, state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the USSR. A political and legal analysis is given of the results of the USSR referendum of March 17, 1991, the creation and activities of the State Committee for a State of Emergency (GKChP), and the Belovezhskaya Agreement. Attention is paid to the facts of inaction of the President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev. It is concluded that the authors of the Belovezhskaya Agreement opposed the will of the people expressed in the referendum, and the Belovezhskaya Agreement itself contradicted the laws of the USSR. Based on the given norms of the 1977 USSR Constitution, memoir sources and publications of modern researchers, a legal assessment is made of the cessation of the existence of the USSR as a single state. The history of the end of the USSR allows us to rethink the question of the place of state ideology in the system of state legal values.

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