
The article is devoted to the study of the Hungarian section of the Chuvash studies. The aim of the work is to familiarize the scientific community with new Hungarian scientists. The author uses traditional descriptive and analytical methods practiced in scholarship. The Hungarian section is the most developed area of foreign Chuvash studies. It is due to the linguistic contacts of the Turkic languages of the Chuvash type with Hungarian, which took place in the period before the conquering of homeland by the Hungarians. Currently, Hungarian Chuvash studies are mainly represented by linguistic and musicological trends. There are works of a historical and literary plan. One of the representatives of modern scholars of the Chuvash language in Hungary is M. Takács, who asserted herself by direct translations of the works of the Chuvash fiction into Hungarian, mainly the stories of E. Lisina. She also published scholarly works based on personal experience and devoted to the problems of translation and linguistics of a literary text. Thus, a distinctive feature of M. Takács’s Chuvash studies at the moment is a departure from the problems recognized as traditional for the Hungarian Chuvash studies – language contacts. Another direction of M. Takács’s research is the study of nouns published in the book «Works related to the grammar of the Chuvash language» of 1769. Another direction of M. Takács is the study of the problems of «Works belonging to the grammar of the Chuvash language» 1769. The author comes to the conclusion that the scientific developments of M. Takac in Hungarian Chuvash studies develop the traditions of studying the literary texts of Chuvash authors in linguistic and translation aspects.


  • Acknowledgements: the author is grateful to Klara Adyagashi, the member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, doctor of philological sciences from University of Debrecen, Hungary, and to Valeria Kulchar, the associate professor from University of Szeged, for their advisory assistance in the work on the article

  • Лисиной основаны на реальных событиях; поэтонимы в ее прозе являются отражением имен конкретных людей, что скорее всего обусловлено документальным характером творчества; оригинальные тексты и их авторские переводы различаются в деталях и взаимодополняют друг друга; тексты Е

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Acknowledgements: the author is grateful to Klara Adyagashi, the member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, doctor of philological sciences from University of Debrecen, Hungary, and to Valeria Kulchar, the associate professor from University of Szeged, for their advisory assistance in the work on the article. Интересом венгерских ученых к собственной этничности, который привел их к необходимости изучения чувашского языка. Разработки венгерских ученых в области чувашского языка выделяются скрупулезностью научного анализа, полнотой изложения материала и в принципе являются наилучшими образцами чувашеведческих исследований в целом [7, с. Результаты исследования Мелинда Такач (Melinda Takács) – археолог, кандидат наук (PhD), бакалавр алтаистики, специалист в области чувашского языка.

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