
Acquiring is a relevant ban- king service as the volume of non-cash money turnover, purchases with use of cash cards, electronic money, calculations on the Internet grows at rather big rates what also development of remote technologies of trade and services, and visible convenience to the buyer and the sel- ler, and partly – restrictions which took place in the period of COVID-19 pandemic influences. At the same time, for carrying out such payments and use of such tool’s services of bank in proces- sing, transfer of payments, informing on payment of the seller are required. It also defines deve- lopment trade and Internet acquiring as relevant banking services. Article purpose – the analysis of features, trends and problems of development of acquiring in Russia at the present stage. Me- thods of a research are connected with the analysis of the theoretical and conceptual provisions connected with acquiring as essential and re- levant banking service and also the analysis of dynamics and structure of base for acquiring development (the number of cards, coverage remote service, the volume of calculations via posterminals and the Internet), tariffs of acquiring, volumes of the provided services of acquiring by banks. Results of a research allow to draw conclusions: there are problems connected with acquiring development (high tariffs, high cost of the equipment) despite rapid growth of vo- lumes. Perspective directions of development: development of QR acquiring, acquiring on the basis of corporate cards.

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