
An improved design of permanent magnet disk separator is proposed, which is designed for cleaning of ferromagnetic inclusions from bulk substances that transported by belt conveyor in order to improve unloading capability of separator. It is shown that use of permanent magnets made of various materials in disk separators leads to improvement of separator's operational characteristics, reduces energy consumption, dimensions and mass, and makes it possible to create a specific magnetic field topology. It is proved that installation of magnets which are differed by their magnetic properties on disk periphery leads to a decrease of radial component of magnetic force and decrease of exit speed of ferromagnetic inclusions from surface of rotating non-magnetic unloading disk. Research focused on distribution of force function in working area of improved design of disk magnetic separator. For this research a numerical finite element method implemented in software environment of COMSOLMultiphysics was applied. Magnetic force function acting on multidomain ferromagnetic particles was investigated. Due to complexity of force field spatial geometry in working area of disk magnetic separator, a three-dimensional computer model of disk magnetic separator was developed, its geometric characteristics and physical properties are described. Comparative analysis of force function distribution in working interval of disk separator is carried out. It has been established that application of improved design of disk magnetic separator can reduce rotation speed of non-magnetic unload disk, at which exit of ferromagnetic inclusions from its surface to unload zone is carried out.

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