
The rounded pearl pattern is composed of continuous round beads, sometimes into strips, arranged on the edge of the main pattern or the fabric, sometimes in a rhombus shape filled with flowers, animals, or other shapes.
 The research method entailed literature research and the analysis of the artifacts of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. The conclusions are as follows: Foreigners mainly influenced the rounded pearl pattern that later became popular in China. At present, most academic researchers believe that it originated from the Sasan Dynasty of Persia. Migrating between different races in the northern Dynasties as the fusion and the contact relations of power in the east and west, east Asia, west Asia culture and arts, interact each other along the silk road, rounded pearl pattern was introduced into China during the Northern Dynasties, and the Chinese people extensively love them. Chinese people based on the main patterns to transform and apply them, at the Sui and Tang Dynasties has become a trendy decoration pattern.
 The research content is limited to the Sui and Tang Dynasties' ornamentation of animals and plants. In other periods, the study of the rounded pearl pattern mainly focuses on the filaments of the rounded pearl pattern and grotto temple patterns from Wei, Jin to Sui, and Tang Dynasties. This study sorted out rounded pearl patterns and included geometric figures, such as straight lines, bow, wheel, rectangle, and polygon. These pictures include a variety of different patterns, like animals and flowers. Under the influence of Sassanian civilization, the bead pattern appeared in the Northern Dynasty, which was very simple. The pattern gradually became more and more complex when the Sui Dynasty reached its peak. Entering the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the bead pattern slowly diminished and became monotonous again.

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