
Al-Jawahiri is considered one of the most important Arabic poets in the modern era. His poetry is distinguished by multiple artistic aesthetics, the most important of which is his unique and masterful use of colors. The colors he used played a prominent role in enriching his poetry and making it more expressive of his feelings .and thoughts :research aims .Analysis of Al-Jawahiri's use of colors in his poetry .Identifying the functions of color in the jeweler’s poetry He linked Al-Jawahiri's use of colors to the environment in which he lived, Arab .culture, and the poets he influenced :Research Methodology Descriptive analytical method :research results Al-Jawahiri's use of colors was distinguished by its diversity, clarity, and impact on .the reader's emotions Diversity of colors: Al-Jawahiri used a variety of colors in his hair, including primary .and secondary colors, and warm and cool colors Clarity of colors: The jeweler used colors clearly and precisely, so that the reader .can easily understand the intended meaning .Use colors skillfully to influence the reader's emotions and arouse their interest Al-Jawahiri was influenced by the multiplicity of colors present in the Arab and Iraqi .environment, and this led to his use of a variety of colors in his poems :Recommendations The researcher is recommended to conduct more research on the application of colors in the poems of other Arab poets. It is also recommended to conduct a comparative study between the use of colors in Al-Jawahiri’s poems and their use .in the poems of other Arab poets Keywords: colors, jeweler

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