
Specialists of NII Transneft LLC and TOMZEL JSC were tasked with developing a standard-size range of partturn electric drives with an electronic control unit for ball shutoff valves in order to arrange the Russian production of this type of equipment. When determining the requirements for the developed valves, the features of the operation of foreign-made part-turn electric drives were taken into account. New developments had to meet general technical requirements, safety and ergonomics requirements for electric drives operated in oil and petroleum products pipeline transport facilities. When elaborating technical solutions, an analysis of thematic publications, international and Russian regulatory documents, technical characteristics of domestic and imported drives, existing solutions for the layout of electric drives with electronic control units has been accomplished. As part of the R&D work, optimal design solutions have been found taking into account the actual operating conditions of the equipment, design documentation has been developed for the standard-size range of part-turn electric drives, prototypes have been manufactured, and their preliminary and acceptance tests have been accomplished successfully.

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