
Abstract In this paper, the result of an ultrasonic performance demonstration are analyzed. The requirements for an ultrasonic performance demonstration (PD) for a nuclear power plant were first described in ASME B&P Code Section XI, Appendix VIII (1989 winter addenda). In order to establish the performance demonstration scheme in Korean nuclear power plants, the Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd (KHNP) has developed the Korean Performance Demonstration (KPD) system for the for the ultrasonic examination of nuclear power plants. An analysis of the ultrasonic performance demonstration results from 2004 through 2013 will improve the detection of flaws in an ultrasonic examination, as well as the further development of the KPD training system. Keywords: Ultrasonic Performance Demonstration[접수일: 2014. 7. 15, 수정일: 2014. 8. 22, 게재확정일: 2014. 10. 8] *한국수력원자력(주) 중앙연구원 비파괴기량검증팀, ✝Corresponding Author: NDE Performance Demonstration Team, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, Central Research Institute, Daejeon 305-343, Korea (E-mail: jungnd@khnp.co.kr)

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