
One of the main achievements of Nietzsche’s philosophy was the doctrine on creative, highly spiritual personalities – “free spirits”. In contrast to such subjects as “will to power”, “eternal return” developed by the German philosopher in the last years of his philosophical activity, the subject of “free spirits” was comprehensive for him. He started his philosophical life with the book of “The Birth of Tragedy” (“cognizing minds”). Later Nietzsche positioned himself as an immoralist, oppositionist of Plato’s metaphysical philosophy. However, on the issue of true philosophers, their views complement one another. If Plato in the “State” dialogue created a mental construct of exemplary transcendental person, whom he called as a “true philosopher”, then Nietzsche substantially deepened and expanded ideas about it, revealing the complex and contradictory nature of “free spirits”. If Plato developed mostly reasonable and virtuous nature of “transcendental person”, then Nietzsche studied mainly emergence, development and life “free spirits” as creators of new values. “Free spirits” always have to prove their right to exist. Unlike “bound spirits”, they should strive to free themselves from petty relations and relationships in everyday life. In the shape of Zoroaster F. Nietzsche created almost ascetic image of a “free spirit” that “baked by the sun” in the desert, “hungry, strong and lonely” “breaks his heart”. Surviving the “great divide” is a universal law for all “free spirits” discovered by Nietzsche. He embedded the moment of the “birth” of the “free spirit”, initial impulse, which will predetermine his further life path to a great extent. Spiritual loneliness and independence is an indispensable condition for “free spirit” life. The last phase in “free spirit” formation is the realization of its fate as a lonely wanderer, destined and doomed to create new truths, values and ideas. Western European civilization history shows that “free spirits” (philosophers, scientists, writers and poets, artists and composers, etc.) were the motive power of cultural and historical process. They were the bearers and creators of highest achievements of the European Spirit of godlikeness. At present time, domination of commercialism prevents the cultivation and active creative activity of highly spiritual works of creators, and mental space of the Western European civilization is increasingly simplified and degraded.

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