
The purpose of this study is to explore structural models of music curricula based on competencies by analyzing recent German ones, so that music key competencies can be used as useful means to set up educational contents for school music. For this, the writer deals with five new music curricula of German states, namely Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin and Brandenburg, Sachsen, and Schleswig-Holstein. The cross curricular system for music education in school has become a common phenomenon in four cases except Sachsen. They introduce common competencies for all subjects as well as key competencies for music class to identify overarching goals in school. These two basic criteria can be mixed or merged in learning field of the subject of music. Consequentially, teaching guidelines in curricula are not classified according to musical knowledge or skills, but stated as some comprehensive lesson themes including attitude and value students have to achieve. To conclude, key competencies for music class in school should be rightly valued for their contribution to measurable benefits for students’ successful life not only in school but also in society, in the here and the hereafter. Therefore, music educators do not place a massive premium on certain knowledge or skills in relation to music even though those factors seem to be necessary for teaching music. Alternatively, they can organize some competencies for applying music to life. In this way, students can customize their musical ability to complete expected competencies, of which levels can be phased.

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