
ABSTRACT Recently financial institutions and large retailers have a large amount of personal information leakage accident occurred one after another, and the damage is a trend of increasing day by d ay. Regulation such as enforcing the encryption of the personal identification information are strengthened. Efficient technolo gy to encrypt personal information is Format-preserving encrypt ion. Typical encryption expand output data length than input data le ngth and change a format. Format Preserving Encryption is an efficient method to minimize database and application modificat ion, because it makes preserve length and format of input data. In this paper, to encrypt personal information efficiently, we propose newly Format Preserving Encryption using Block cipher mode of operation. Keywords: Format-Preserving Encryption; Modes of Operation; Block cipher ; Data format; Data Length I.서 론 국내외를 불문하고 대량의 개인정보유출사고가 연이어 발생하고 있고, 이에 따라 개인정보보호법 개정 접수일(2014년 6월 17일), 수정일(2014년 8월 5일), 게재확정일(2014년 8월 5일)†주저자, km8944@korea.ac.kr‡교신저자, jcsung@uos.ac.kr(Corresponding author)

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