
The article discloses that an important prerequisite for the development a management system is the creation and continuous improvement the processes intellectualization an enterprise. Based on the fundamental principles, the science management studies the relations management and provides objective laws their formation and development, under the influence which relations develop. The intellectualization management should be based on a deep knowledge economic and other laws, the features their operation and use in specific conditions, and be based on the techniques and methods scientific analysis, economic and mathematical modeling and statistical research. It has been determined that the high dynamism processes in the new economy opens up enormous opportunities for creating new areas wealth growth, which has already led to unprecedented abundance and diversity in world and domestic markets. At the same time, this dynamism puts forward the tasks ensuring adequate management economic processes. The evolutionary transition to the principles of the new economy requires effective development in an intellectual society, therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to solve these problems. The processes enterprise intellectualization are considered, identified with various ideological platforms and with conceptual positions. The results the analysis indicate that the formation a new economy is the result the development new creative knowledge and intelligence, where the traditional role time is changing, since it determines the economic value knowledge, and the processes change and globalization reinforce the importance intellectual capital. The main directions manifestation enterprise management as an art are considered and it is determined that it is impossible to reduce the intellectualization enterprise management only to science or only to art or experience, it is necessary to understand that this is art that can be mastered by those people who have the corresponding intellectual abilities, experience, creative thinking etc.

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