
Objectives This study aimed to present the suggestion about the direction of playfulness to be pursued by Elementary social studies classroom activities by investigating the playful nature inherent in it.
 Methods For this purpose, this study examined the concept and attributes of play through Play Theory, and ob-served and interpreted learners' play patterns in the activities of three elementary school teachers' social studies classes. And indentified the playfulness of social studies activities through classroom observations, interviews with teachers and learners, and analysis of post-classroom reflections.
 Results From a heortē perspective, play is interpreted as an attribute of activity or intensity of play, and the activ-ities of social studies would be seen as having a playful character or as play itself. The factors that make learners playful in an activity are related to the attributes of play, such as ‘spontaneity’, ‘conversation’, ‘authenticity’, and ‘playfulness, and seriousness’, and when an activity has these playful characteristics, learners feel and engage in the activity itself as play.
 Conclusions In social studies activies, play should be pursued as purpose, not a means. Social studies activities as play can restore learners' subjectivity and foster practical attitudes by placing learning in the context of real life. The social studies classroom plays a role as a playground, making learning a joyful play of participation and communication.

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