
The article analyzes the military policy of the People’s Republic of China at the present stage. Since 2012, the President of the People’s Republic of China has been actively promoting the thesis of the exceptional importance of the role of the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) in the stable and predictable development of the Chinese state. At the same time, the strategic tasks of military construction in China are: by 2035, the modernization of the defense infrastructure through the comprehensive development of the theory of military art, the organizational and personnel optimization of the armed forces, the adoption of new types of weapons and military equipment, as well as the creation by the middle of the XNUMXst century of a full-fledged first-class by world standards army. Today, the PLA is becoming the main instrument for implementing the most important areas of China’s national strategy: solving the Taiwan problem on the terms of the PRC – “One country – two systems”, extending China’s sovereignty to the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku) in the East China Sea and the Nansha Islands (Spratly) in the South China. China Sea, as well as promoting the Belt and Road Initiative to the countries of South Asia, the Middle East and Africa. This determines the relevance of the topic of this work.

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