
Introduction. Education is the basis of the intellectual, spiritual, physical and cultural development of the individual, as well as its successful socialization, economic prosperity, the key to the social development, united by the common values and the state culture.Purpose. Analysis of interactive learning, preconditions of its development, goals and its subject. Summarizing of the test results and survey on the importance of interactive learning.Methods. Analysis, summarizing, synthesis and question testing of respondents.Results. The article deals with the general requirements of the Education Law of Ukraine. There are defined the principles of the construction of Ukrainian education, based on universal values, the basic principles of organization of educational activities in general, traditions of the national school; takes into account the main tasks needed to be addressed at present.There has been studied the experience of the famous American professor Edgard Dale and Brazilian teacher Paulo Freire and it is concluded that not only these but also other scientists of the leading world countries and of Ukraine tend to develop and introduce the new approaches and means, and new pedagogical technologies based on that which would fit the traditional education system and promote the qualitative training of specialists.The advantages of interactive learning and the main types of exercises it would be realized with and it comes clear that lectures and reading give the lowest percentage of assimilation of the new material. Above average learning outcomes can be achieved through the organization of discussions, round tables, practical actions, and the learning of others and immediate application give the highest result of learning the new knowledge.The aim of interactive learning is revealed, and in our opinion it is developed to create the learning environment where the student will study the new knowledge and integrate it into achived earlier knowledge and into his own competency of various science fields. This is the fundamental difference between the goals of interactive learning from the goals of the traditional education system.Originality. The article summarizes the survey materials and tests of academics on the need for interactive learning. The variants of its realization are offered.Conclusion. In spite of the possibility of the free choice of forms, methods of classes conducting, development of innovation programs, etc., we consider to encourage the teachers to creative evolution and use all the available forms in their teaching practice, methods of classes conducting, its reasonable and creative combination, improvisation within the traditional education system. And those who master the new and unknown not to be a bystander in the class, actively and creatively involve to and be a participant-creator of the educational process.

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