
Solving the problems of effective business management is associated with a variety of current goals facing the same and, by implication, requires the construction of appropriate models of efficient business. The article presents two problems of doing business which, apart from their common target being an improvement of business efficiency, have different current goals. The creation or development of any business involves the construction of a specific business plan for it, including a list of those areas of business development, the implementation of which will increase its efficiency. The first problem considered in the article is related to the phased implementation of all areas of efficiency improvement in order to ultimately obtain the greatest efficiency of their realization. The second one solves the problem of increasing efficiency by partially implementing efficiency improvement directions from the initial list, taking into account certain limitations, for example, in conditions of limited company resources. For the construction of models which would meet the problems set, an efficiency criterion is substantiated and proposed in the article, and Algorithms 1 and 2 are developed which made it possible to build the efficient business models which take into account the difference in its current goals. The authors have developed a multi-stage Algorithm 1 for the generation of individual sets of areas for improvement of efficiency to be used to solve the tasks at hand. Algorithm 2 implemented at each stage of Algorithm 1 has been developed by the authors by using the Pareto optimality method but supplemented by taking into account the features and objectives of the current tasks set for the business. The use of such algorithms has made it possible to build efficient business models enabling not only to obtain an economic effect inherent to each efficiency improvement area, but also to ensure additional growth thereof driven by the properties of the developed algorithms.

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