
Statement of the problem. The category of life planning is used in the Federal Educational Standard to describe the educational outcomes of secondary school students: graduates must demonstrate the willingness and ability to set goals and make life plans. However, the document itself does not define the concept and does not systematically describe the conditions for the formation of the ability to set and implement life plans. Our study proposes the concept of life-building competence, which provides high school students with the readiness and ability to make life plans, describes its component and level structure. The purpose of the article is to describe the features of the development of life-building competence in high school students. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study includes the provisions of existential psychology and pedagogy (L. Biswanger, M. Heidegger, A. Langle, M.I. Rozhkov, O.I. Andreeva, etc.), the concept of the life path (Sh. Buhler, S. L. Rubinshtein, B.G. Ananiev, I.S. Kon), the concept of life planning (O.S. Rapotsevich, A.V. Napris, I.N. Astafyeva, etc.), competence-based approach to education (I. A. Zimnyaya, A.V. Khutorskoy, Yu.G. Tatur, etc.), ecological-personal approach to the study of the educational environment (W. Bronfenbrenner, V.A. Yasvin). In the course of the study, a theoretical analysis of scientific sources on the research problem was made, a diagnostic complex was developed and implemented, aimed at determining the levels of life arrangement in high school students, methods of mathematical data processing were applied. Research results. In the course of a theoretical study, the authors defined the concept of a life plan, the concept of life-building competence, and described the components of competence. In the course of an empirical study, the levels of development of each component and the competence of life arrangement in general among high school students in the city of Krasnoyarsk were identified. Conclusion. Conclusions are drawn about which components of life-building competence in high school students are developed at a high level and are resourceful for the development of other components, and which components require purposeful development. The distribution of students according to the developmental levels of life-building competence is presented. The requirement for an educational environment that ensures the development of life-building competence in high school students is formulated.

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