
The issue of the major actors of the global political and economic development obviously became the central one in the on-going discourse over the perspective global architecture. One cannot disengage that issue from the problem of the nature of the national sovereignty in the perspective world. It is obvious that the desovereignization of the global processes, gradual stripping of the nation-states from the right for sovereignty as well as dismantlement of the state as the form of society organization are the features of the departed historical period. Despite preservation of a number of globalized systems the world returns to the model of a spatial world that ultimately provides for right of the actor for sovereignty. That transformation is stimulated by the trend for geo-economic regionalization that at this point included the military political instruments of competition. That however does not mean that sovereignty as a phenomenon, notion as well as a political practice could be further interpreted within the framework of Westphalian system. Nation states that obviously remain vehicles for national sovereignty no longer enjoy ultimate monopoly exploiting sovereignty as an operational concept. The very notion of sovereignty due to the socio-economic as well as technological transformations of past decades becomes much more complex while merging spatial and trans-spatial components especially considering the fact that globalized segments of the international architecture will remain in place for the foreseeable future despite the geo-economic and geopolitical regionalization. Authors make the conclusion that the return to the «classic» purely spatial basis of the Westphalian system is no longer possible. While generalizing the trends that emerged during the initial phase of the on-going de-globalization try to formulate the major vectors of transformation of the operational substance of sovereignty and the specifics of its manifestation in specific political and geographical environments. The key element of the article is the attempt to outline the issues that are critical for further exploration and analysis of the transformation of the sovereignty. Authors claim that in contrast to current situation when the cornerstone of the sovereignty is the spatial security first of all in the military dimension the future world that would reside upon the principles of civilizational disengagement will demand a more robust approach to the issues of social and socio-cultural environment protection including those that could provide for the limitation of the level of intrusiveness of the globalized informational society into national informational environment.

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