
أسهمت شعوب الأرض التي دخلت الإسلام في بناء الحضارة الإسلامية، وکانت مصر من أوفر هذه البيئات إسهاما، وقد شهد النصف الأخير من القرن الثالث الهجري بداية فصل جديد في تاريخ مصر الإسلامية؛ تمثل بقيام الدولة الطولونية، التي شکلت منطلقا لبداية الازدهار في تاريخ حضارة مصر. وهناک عدد من العوامل التي کان لها دور في إبراز هذه الحضارة، منها: التأخر الحضاري الذي سبق قيام الدولة الطولونية، فقد شمل ذلک نواحي الحياة کلها، بسبب سياسة العباسيين، في تغيير الولاة باستمرار؛ خوفا من استقلالهم بالبلاد. تمکن أحمد بن طولون من القضاء على الثورات في مصر، وبناء جيش قوي، وشهدت البلاد استقرارا وتطورا، واستقلالا ذاتيا، وصاحب ذلک تطور في الحياة الحضارية؛ لأن ابن طولون حرص على القيام بإنجازات حضارية تميز عهده؛ لتثبيت سلطانه، وأن يبدو البلاط الطولوني في حياته في مستوى لا يقل عن مستوى البلاط الخلافي. أثبت ابن طولون أنه کان نموذجا للحاکم المثالي، من حيث تبني الإصلاح والعدل، والاعتناء بشؤون دولته، فلم تشغله طموحاته في زيادة رقعة دولته عن الاهتمام بجوانب الإصلاح، ومذا يحقق الحياة الکريمة لرعيته؛ ولذا اتسم عهده بأنه عهد سلام شامل، ورخاء، وحضارة، وعمران، وفنون، وخلف ابن طولون آثارا رائعة تجسد عصره، ولا يزال بعضها باقيا إلى يومنا هذا. The Islamic Civilization is a great edifice where all the people of the earth contributed in building it. Egypt was a leader in this contribution in building the Islamic civilization. The last half of the third century of Higra was a new era in the Islamic history of Egypt, where the Tolonic estate began in Egypt. This era was the beginning of advancement in the history of Egypt’s Civilization. This was obvious in the Civilized Phenomena that happened in Egypt in that era. The period that proceeded the Tolonic estate was know by under development in all aspects of life. This was due to the Abbasi policy of changing the rulers every time so as not to make them greedy of the throne. Ahmad bin Tolon had ruled Egypt. He put out the revolutions against him. He secured the country and people and people admitted his leadership. All the figures of power were at his hand and he become a prince of Egypt. Egypt began a new era from that period which is called the self independence. The political development in his age was paralled with a civilized development, Ahmad Bin Tolon was a ware to make this era full of the civilized a chievments so as to assesst his throne and to make the country flourish and this reflexes his true desire to complete Iraq by making Egypt a glorious civilization. He wants to make the throne in Egypt in a high standard not less than the caliph throne. Ahmad Bin Toloun had proved that he was an example of justice and he was a fair ruler. He was a man of the state. He took care of his country and he wasn’t occupiedby his ambitions in invading other countries. He took care of everything that made a better life for his people. He made many reforms for his state’s affairs. His era was an era of peace, prosperity, civilization, construction and arts. He left terrific monuments in his era, a lot of them are still today.

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