
The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of technology of cloud computing, revealing of the main problems of providing information security of various models of cloud services and models of deployment of cloud environments, as well as the choice of methods for providing security of data processing and methods for improving the safety of cloud computing. Object of research - information security technology cloud computing. The purpose of the work is to analyze the theoretical and practical aspects of information security technology of cloud computing, determination of their principles and perspectives. Methods of research - analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, graphic. One of the main approaches to the implementation of cloud infrastructure is the virtualization technology - the provision of computing resources abstracted from their real hardware implementation. With the increase in the degree of cloud computing technology openness, the flexibility of its operation and the universality of access, the security of the system decreases and requires more complicated methods of ensuring its security. The cloud computing system can be exposed to several types of security threats, including threats to the integrity, privacy and availability of its resources, data, and virtual infrastructure. The construction of the cloud computing security system requires taking into account the model of its deployment (private, public or hybrid cloud) and the differences in the levels of control and access for user and provider in different cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). The most effective and thus universal way of ensuring data protection in the cloud, as well as its confidentiality and integrity, is to use the data encryption at the file level when transmitting over information networks and when storing inside the cloud. IT-administrators and users can partially regain control over the security of their data, using security­based solutions based on data encryption. Using the appropriate encryption methods prevents unauthorized access to data, regardless of where they are located, in the process of transmitting or storing it in the cloud, and allowing organizations to take advantage of cloud computing without compromising or minimizing risk. KEYWORDS: CLOUD COMPUTING, CLOUD SERVICES, INFORMATION SECURITY.

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