
The modern religious world is characterized by the intensification of global tendencies, which, above all, are expressed in the ecumenical movement, in which almost all religious communities of the world participate, which forms a qualitatively different religious reality. At the same time, influence and significance of esoteric and occult teachings, movements and ideas in the modern world is increasing. Thus, arises the question of determining the role and place of the occult foundations in the modern ecumenical movement, which will enable a qualitatively different understanding of the essence of modern religious processes. The presented article considers the Doctrine of the Trinity in the context of the ecumenical theological discourse and the occult tradition as a fundamental component of the formation of world religious unity. The main tasks of the article is to determine the ecumenical foundations in the Doctrine of the Trinity, as well as to determine the meaning of the doctrine in modern ecumenism. In this regard, modern Doctrine of the Trinity was compared with occult Triadology, as a result of which common pantheistic foundations were revealed. Thus, the article showed that the Doctrine of the Trinity is revealed in the pantheistic paradigm as an expression of the global Trinitarian principle. At the same time, it was showed that the Doctrine of the Trinity is a fundamental theurgic principle for the main part of occult teachings and esoteric religions. It was also revealed that in the ecumenical discourse the Doctrine of the Trinity performs as a fundamental principle that is common to esoteric and classical religious systems. Performs as the principle around which most of the world's religions are integrated. Also it should be underline that the Trinitarian paradigm has many common positions with pantheism and pneumatology, where many pantheistic ideas are expressed. Ecumenical teaching has a global character, than it converges with pantheism. And, in this regard, the Doctrine of the Trinity gets special importance in the ecumenical movement, which is more pronounced in pneumatological discourse. Thus, there is an actualization of occultism in the modern world and the importance of occult ideas and concepts in the religious world is growing. Arises the integration of occult teachings with classical religious systems.

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