
B a c k g r o u n d . The article provides a description of the Horn of Africa and examines recent security transformations for a number of states in the region. The Horn of Africa is a strategically important region for African and global trade and security. The organization of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development is the main platform for the settlement of complex interstate relations for the countries of the region. M e t h o d s . The following methods were used: analytical, historical, generalization. During the research, the authors relied on the principle of objectivism. R e s u l t s . In the region of the Horn of Africa, intense rivalry and competition between states is observed, which does not contribute to the consolidation and solution of security challenges, and as a result to the economic growth of the region as a whole. Numerous conflicts both within individual states of the Horn of Africa and between them undermine the stability of the region. Competition for the influence of extra regional powers also does not contribute to the consolidation of the states of the Horn of Africa. C o n c l u s i o n s . The conflictogenicity of the Horn of Africa develops according to the "spillover" effect, which emphasizes the interdependence of the security situation of the states of the region. Conflicts developing in different states of the region have a tendency to spread beyond the sovereign borders of the countries and have an impact on the destabilization of other states of the region. In particular, the long-term conflict in Somalia is affecting the destabilization of neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia. The conflicts in Sudan affect the security situation in South Sudan and Ethiopia, etc.

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