
Introduction. Altai Krai is one of the most significant natural foci of opisthorchiasis not only in Western Siberia, but also on the territory of the Russian Federation as a whole, where the incidence of opisthorchiasis ranges from 44 to 34 per 100,000 people. The primary habitat of opisthorchiasis is the hepatobiliary system; the polymorphism of long-term invasion polymorphism is characterized by a violation of the functions of many organs and systems: liver, immune and cardiovascular systems, digestive organs, etc. The control center responsible for these vital functions of the body is the autonomic nervous system, which regulates them in the body. Analysis of heart rate variability can give an idea of sympathetic-parasympathetic vegetative balance. The purpose of the study. A comprehensive study of the state of autonomic regulation by analyzing heart rate variability in patients with chronic opisthorchiasis. Materials and methods. During the course of the study, 31 patients with chronic opisthorchiasis (CO) were observed, a comparison was made with 30 healthy individuals of similar age and gender. When studying the function of the autonomic nervous system, the method of mathematical analysis of the heart rate according to R.M. Baevsky was used with the help of the original program "CORVEG". The level of critical significance of the null statistical hypothesis was assumed to be 0.05. Results and Discussion. In the study of the nature of vegetative changes, methods of frequency and spectral analysis of heart rate were used. Changes in heart rate regulation indicators were statistically significantly (p<0.05) indicated an increase in sympathetic regulation at rest and orthostasis in patients with SC, their autonomic homeostasis was shifted toward the sympathetic nervous system both at rest and under load, and in some patients (31%) dysregulation of the central type was detected. Conclusions. Dysregulation of autonomic nervous system in patients with chronic opisthorchiasis was revealed at all levels of its regulation and was characterized by increased sympathetic tone and a decrease in parasympathetic and humoral regulation, as well as vasoreflective and baroreflective mechanisms.

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