
This study attempted to examine the association between the core competencies cultivated bycollege students through curriculum and non-curriculum and college life adaptation across academic-, social-, emotional-, and career-adaptation. To this end, D university students were asked to respond using the DEU-CCDS scale for core competency and the DEU-GRIT scale forcollege life adaptation. As a result, there was a significant correlation between all variablesexcept for the relationship between 'democratic communication' of core competencies and'interpersonal competence in school' and 'career activities' of college life adaptation. In addition,it was found that the components of 2 to 8 core competencies significantly explained across allsub-variables of college life adaptation. On the other hand, as a result of deriving the core competency components of continuity-improvement through IPA analysis, the core competencycomponents that significantly explain college life adaptation were mainly distributed in the areas of maintenance and progressive improvement, and some were also distributed in the areas offocus improvement. This suggests that in order to induce college students to adapt well tocollege life, it is necessary to improve and maintain customized curriculur and non-curricularactivities so that they can strengthen their core competency level.

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