
Current treatments for polypous rhinosinusitis (PRS) relieve symptoms but do not eliminate recurrence rates, highlighting research relevance, molecular targets, inflammation, and nasal mucosal function. Patients and methods. Formed 2 groups of patients (main (n = 44) and comparison (n = 20)) diagnosed with PRS. Patients of the main group were additionally prescribed the anti-inflammatory oral drug "Reglisam" for 90 days in the treatment regimen. In dynamics, the groups underwent endoscopy of the nasal cavity, scoring by VAS (from 0 to 3 points) of complaints and local symptoms of inflammation. Results. By the 45th day, in patients of the main group, the severity of sneezing, coughing, headache/facial pain was lower by 77, 56 and 87%, respectively, relative to the comparison group (p < 0.05), differences in the severity of symptoms of nasal congestion, discharge, postnasal drip was 24–34% (p < 0.05). By the 90th day in the main group, sneezing, headache/facial pain, and cough were completely stopped, in the comparison group, the symptoms persisted. In the main group, the degree of nasal congestion and nasal discharge were minimal, postnasal drip – 60% lower relative to comparison (p < 0.05). The proportion of patients in the main group with complaints of postnasal drip and nasal discharge by day 90 decreased by 41% and 32%, respectively (p < 0.05), sneezing, headache/facial pain and cough were absent. In the comparison group, the frequency of symptoms over time did not change significantly. According to endoscopy in the main group on the 90th day of treatment, mucous discharge was absent in 55% of patients (n = 24), edema was not recorded in 16% (n = 7). In the comparison group, mucous discharge was absent only in 30% (n = 6), edema persisted in all patients. The severity of mucous secretions and edema in patients of the main group was more than 2.5 times less than in the comparison group (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Treatment of PRS with the inclusion "Reglisam", in comparison with monotherapy with intranasal glucocorticosteroids, more effectively allows to stop swelling and inflammation in the nasal mucosa, improve mucociliary transport and drainage of the paranasal sinuses, normalize nasal breathing and improve the quality of life of patients.

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