
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of sutural materials and search of ways of their improvement. Advantages and disadvantages of the products which are used in surgical practice are shown. The surgical sutures applied nowadays have such important advantages as knot strength, torpidity, lack of memory. Their main disadvantages are provocation of pyoinflammatory complications, allergic reactions, difficult to predict terms of a resorption, high rigidity, and insufficient elasticity. Considering impossible and unnecessary the creation of universal sutural material, authors make mention about the most widespread technologies of modification of traditional surgical sutures such as introduction of admixture to their structure, various coating applications, chemical modification of fibers. Results of experimental assessment of influence of traditional materials and prototypes on wound process are given. They consider that the development and deployment in surgical practice of new types of sutural materials with the improved characteristics are the priority direction in acceleration of processes of operational wound healing. One of such materials is titanium nickelide. Having biological torpidity and corrosion resistance, it stimulates processes of regeneration of tissues, when swordcut is formed. Titanium nickelide provides implants with a new set of properties: shape memory with temperature change, superelasticity at body temperature. The encouraging results obtained in the experiments indicate the prospects of its use as a suture material. However, the literature contains only fragmentary data on the interaction of suture materials based on interaction of titanium nickelide with biological tissue. This is not enough for the wide use of new medical devices in surgical practice. A number of additional medical and biological studies are required, including those relating to the interaction of implants with the tissues of the body.


  • Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу шовных материалов и поиску путей их совершенствования

  • The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of sutural materials and search of ways of their improvement

  • Advantages and disadvantages of the products which are used in surgical practice are shown

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Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу шовных материалов и поиску путей их совершенствования. Высказывают мнение о перспективности использования никелида титана для изготовления хирургических нитей. Незавершённость этих исследований препятствует широкому использованию в хирургической практике шовных материалов из никелида титана.

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