
To perform many tasks in the system of EMERCOM of Russia, databases have been developed with the ability to select an aircraft model according to tactical and technical characteristics of helicopter and airplane types. Databases are presented in the form of digital and text invariants, in a certain range of numerical values, which provides search, processing and identification using a computer, on the SQLite3 database management system and for Windows 7 and higher operating systems. The databases in question can be used by employees and specialists of search and rescue teams and other services of EMERCOM of Russia to streamline and differentiate the approach in choosing the necessary unmanned aircraft system of the aircraft type to perform the tasks, taking into account the terrain and conditions of their use. The principle of operation is in the process of filling the database with information about the available models designed to equip the units of EMERCOM of Russia, so that in the future it would be possible to conduct a sample.

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