
Relevance. The current lack of a holistic scientific understanding of family entrepreneurship as a special legal phenomenon is due to the lack of scientific research on this topic, the lack of consistency in their implementation. The lack of coherent doctrinal approaches, in turn, leads to the fact that legislative regulation on issues related to family entrepreneurship is developing in a non-systematic way, within the framework of individual legislative acts, without taking into account the specifics of existing problems and gaps in legal regulation. The science of civil law reveals a number of inconsistencies between the approaches to the regulation of entre-preneurial activity and the regulation of family legal relations. This necessitates the development of a holistic scientific understanding of family entrepreneurship as a special legal phenomenon. The purpose of the research is to develop theoretical provisions aimed at creating a holistic scientific under-standing of family entrepreneurship as a special legal phenomenon, taking into account the peculiarities of entrepre-neurial activity with the participation of family members, the need to protect the rights of participants of such activities and third parties. Objectives: to determine the totality of features of family entrepreneurship as a special legal phenomenon; to determine the features of the balance of interests in the conduct of business in the form of family business; to identify areas for further development of legal regulation of the issues under consideration. Methodology. In carrying out this study, the dialectical-materialistic method, the systematic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, the formal-legal method were applied. The results of the research are of a theoretical and applied nature and are aimed at improving the quality of legal regulation of civil legal relations. The conclusions made in the article are of debatable character, are aimed at continuing research in the framework of the declared subject, at developing basic principles that allow to solve problems related to family entre-preneurship in a uniform way. The article is a continuation of the author's research on the topic under consideration.

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