
In the article the extracurricular pedagogical activity of Ivan Franko in the context of the history of national education and his conceptual ideas concerning the teaching of literature in the secondary and high school are considered. The methodology of the educational practices of that time and the main features of the author’s methodology of the teacher, confirmed by didactic results, samples, examples of his scientific and creative work are explored. The article emphasizes the expediency of the studying of the development history of the curriculum, the updating of the methodology of its study in the context of the introduction of Ukrainian pedagogy to the Bologna educational process; there is accented on the need to reduce the existing curricula for Ukrainian literature in the secondary and high school. It is proved that the historical experience of the European scientist is still not sufficiently absorbed; therefore, the analysis and systematization of non-institutional educational activities of the coryphaeus of Ukrainian science should take the proper place in the history of pedagogics.The study proposes to consider the pedagogical heritage of Ivan Franko exclusively diachronically, in development, together with the newest Franko-studies in the field of philosophy, political science, and studies of literature. On the material of Ivan Franko’s works on history and theory of pedagogics, artistic texts with educational themes and problems the non-institutional pedagogical discourse of Ivan Franko, the forms and methods of his pedagogical communication with the broadest strata of Ukrainian society are systematized and analysed. The evolutionary path of the scientist from the simplest forms of influence on peers to complex the author’s methodological concepts of teaching and education is shown: in accordance with the basic postulate of the pedagogics of pragmatism, I. Franko particularly emphasized that the school science is only the first stage of preparation for all further independent life, that the main task of the teacher in his communication with the wards at school and outside the school is to teach them to think creatively, prepare them for self-education, independent and critical mastering of knowledge.The article represents the transformation of the philosophic-pedagogical views of the scientist from philanthropy and positivism to pragmatism, diachronically analyses and structures the forms and methods of the didactic interaction of Franko-teacher, the methodology of didactic influence on the broadest strata of Ukrainian society in Halychyna in the 2nd half of the 19th–the beginning of the 20th century.

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