
Aim. To characterize and analyze the 1996- 2020 constitutional amendments, which affected the organization and functioning of the highest bodies of state power, local self-government and the federal structure of the country. Methodology. A comparison of the constitutional process in Russia and the countries of the near and far abroad is made; a political and legal analysis of the process of making changes to the Constitution of Russia in concrete historical conditions and development is carried out. Results. The author offers the following periodization of the constitutional transformations stages: stage 1 (1996-2008) - “renovation of the facade”, during which the names of the subjects of the Federation were changed in the Basic Law; stage 2 (2008-2019) - “strengthening of the foundations” - amendments aimed at strengthening the power vertical and the institutional design of the highest state authorities in the country; stage 3 (from 2020) - “redevelopment of the building” - a significant transformation of the Russian political system, strengthening of presidential power, unification under the definition of “public power” of its three levels - federal, regional and municipal. Research implications. The author’s approach is formulated in the article, which consists in highlighting the stages of constitutional reforms in Russia aimed at modifying the political system of society.


  • The author offers the following periodization of the constitutional transformations stages: stage 1 (1996–2008) – “renovation of the facade”, during which the names of the subjects of the Federation were changed in the Basic Law; stage 2 (2008– 2019) – “strengthening of the foundations” – amendments aimed at strengthening the power vertical and the institutional design of the highest state authorities in the country; stage 3 – “redevelopment of the building” – a significant transformation of the Russian political system, strengthening of presidential power, unification under the definition of “public power” of its three levels – federal, regional and municipal

  • The author’s approach is formulated in the article, which consists in highlighting the stages of constitutional reforms in Russia aimed at modifying the political system of society

  • Проанализировав поправки, внесенные в 2020 г., можно сделать вывод, что они коренным образом видоизменили российскую политическую систему, наделив ещё большим спектром полномочий Президента, купировав отчасти полномочия Правительства, сделав его более подотчётным главе государства

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В том случае, если конституционные поправки затрагивают систему высших органов публичной власти, федеративное устройство России или местное самоуправление, они принимаются на основании законов о внесении поправок в конституцию. В России, как и в большинстве стран мира, поправка (либо несколько поправок) должна быть одобрена, не только обеими палатами парламента и квалифицированным большинством региональных представительных органов власти, но и санкционирована главой государства. К. затронул шесть глав Конституции России (с третьей по восьмую), в которые было внесено 206 поправок, касающихся публичной власти, федеративного устройства и местного самоуправления

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