
The authors consider hand-held laser scanners, as a new photogrammetric tool for obtaining three-dimensional models of objects. The principle of their work and the newest optical systems based on various sensors measuring the depth of space are described in detail. The method of simultaneous navigation and mapping (SLAM) used for combining single scans into point cloud is outlined. The formulated tasks and methods for performing studies of the DotProduct (USA) hand-held laser scanner DPI?8X based on a test site survey are presented. The accuracy requirements for determining the coordinates of polygon points are given. The essence of the performed experimental research of the DPI?8X scanner is described, including scanning of a test object at various scanner distances, shooting a test polygon from various scanner positions and building point cloud, repeatedly shooting the same area of the polygon to check the stability of the scanner. The data on the assessment of accuracy and analysis of research results are given. Fields of applying hand-held laser scanners, their advantages and disadvantages are identified.

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