
One of the important functions of personnel management at present is the management of corporate culture. The culturological approach in management allows you to combine all forces (resources) to achieve the goals of the organization, solving its tasks. This approach allows us to take into account the uniqueness of a particular company, to focus on the integration of all personnel in achieving the goals of the organization, the formation of loyalty, competencies, solidarity. Among the functions of the trade union noted in the documents of the organization, the organizational function, the organization of cultural mass, sports events, traditional professional holidays are presented. The role of management in the development of corporate culture is undeniable, at the same time, bipartisanship at the local level, as well as tripartism at other levels of social partnership presupposes the participation of employees (their trade union representatives) in the development of labor and other relations, in the improvement of corporate culture in the organization. The formation of values and norms, certain stereotypes of behavior occurs within the framework of the concept of social partnership in the organization. The role of the trade union as an organization uniting employees, as a participant in social partnership is in demand. This role is noted in the conducted research through the participation of the trade union in supporting traditions in the organization, participating in negotiations, discussing a Collective agreement, supporting staff in difficult situations (providing material, informational and legal assistance to trade union members and all employees of the organization) and other areas. The trade union participates in the management of corporate culture, which includes not only the management of the internal environment of the organization, but also the management of the image of the organization, its business reputation.

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