
Recently, as Virtual Reality and Metaverse have become popular, music has also emerged with spatial sound, a new form of music tailored to the flow of the times. The purpose of this work is to identify the industrial activation potential of music using spatial sound technology, and to organize the theoretical background for the implementation of spatial sound. As a result, for comparative analysis of stereo music and music produced by spatial sound, frequency band image analysis, listening evaluation, and industry expert opinion survey were conducted. As a result, first, there was a clear difference in production progress between music produced by spatial sound and stereo music, as well as significant differences in frequency bands and stereo images. Secondly, the public felt that spatial sound music was unfamiliar, but they impressed about the realistic and lively spatial sound. Third, experts said that standardization of production pipelines and the distribution of devices are a priority for music content applied with spatial sound to be spread in the market. Music content using spatial sound still has clear limits to be solved, but it is a field with sufficient possibilities.

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