
The article is aimed at analyzing the current state of bank lending to companies of electric energy complex, highlighting the peculiarities of the introduction of the principles of «green» lending. The importance of the development of the electricity industry as an important component of the national economy of the State is emphasized and the problems that impede the sustainable development of industry companies are identified. The level of bank lending to companies of electric energy complex is analyzed, which indicates a low level of financing of companies in the structure of the loan portfolio of commercial banks of Ukraine and indicates the predominance of short- and medium-term contracts, which limits development opportunities. It is emphasized the need to use «green» loans in order to finance energy sectors through the possibility of mobilizing private capital. The socioecological orientation of «green» lending through the impact on the management of the bank’s relevant risks in order to optimize credit structures and introduce innovative banking services is underlined. The necessity of compliance with key principles ensuring the reliability of the implementation of lending relations within the framework of the provision of «green» loans is determined. The criteria for selection and further on compliance with their sustainable development goals, ensuring the environmental friendliness of projects implemented at the expense of «green» loans, are presented. The key factors that determine the decision on «green» lending are distinguished, namely: reputation; public, joint-stock and regulatory pressure; external control, accessibility. Practical aspects of the activities of domestic banks regarding «green» loaning programs and participation in financing projects supported by the government, international financial and credit institutions are disclosed. The need to attract insurance companies and create favorable conditions on the part of the State for the introduction of «green» products and services in order to minimize the risks of implementing «green» lending schemes for electricity companies is indicated.

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